

I honestly can't believe I'm interning for National Geographic. This is one of the best things to ever happen to me and I am so grateful to even be chosen to be a part of the geography intern program here. My first day here has been pretty epic. I mean i'm interning for my dream employer. We did some paperwork for HR and then split up to meet our individual supervisors. There are seven of us interns for the program so its a good sized group. My supervisors name is David and he's really nice. He's kind of local to the area, he likes Game of Thrones, which is awesome, and he seems like he's going to be really nice. He took me to this restaurant called Nage and we had nice conversation about the normal introductions about where i'm from and what do I like to do and what made me want to apply for NatGeo. I had an amazing lobster mac and cheese, which was a plus. I got my first assignment doing a background check on a company that was pretty interesting. Time went by pretty quick. Then the other interns and I went to Barcode and celebrated. It was a great first day.