
My very own hashtag

"Having the opportunity to travel and learn about an entirely new place is something I have always wanted to do. I'm really excited to explore and meet new people in a city i've never been to."

This was the first part of my journal entry right before I left for my adventure in Washington, D.C. Oh how time has flown by so fast. It was really was an unforgettable experience. I met so many people, learned how to cook foods I never thought I could and most importantly learned a lot about myself. I can't believe I even made my own hashtag to have all of my friends and family reference me to. I believe it was a smart choice though. Even though living in the district was only for five months, it was one of the most memorable times of my life. 


I kissed a butterfly today. It was magical. I have always dreamt of going to the famous Smithsonian Natural History museum and today that was accomplished. Johnny and I are major nerds for tours so we took one here and saw a bunch of cool exhibits. The Hope diamond was beautiful, but I was attracted to the glow in the dark rocks the most. The ocean exhibit was breathtaking. The moment you walk in you see this magnificent whale on the ceiling and giant shark teeth, which is a kodak moment must.

We went to the butterfly exhibit for our last stop and Johnny kept getting all of the butterflies to land on him. I got one huge one to land on me though and got a kiss from it. I could not stop smiling. I know I am definitely coming back here again and again and again. The most legendary part of the day though was when the exact moment we walked out of the doors of the museum it started snowing. We were so happy until we realized we had to walk through it and it got harder to stay warm. Lunch was alright at the West Wing cafe. I had a pastrami sandwich and these delicious jalapeƱo chips from a local East coast brand. Walking home wasn't fun due to the snow, but it was definitely an experience. We realized it was our first day of class and had to hurry home. 

Class was pretty chill. All we did was take our ID photos and go through the rubric and schedule. A group of us took the metro back to Union Station and then tried Shake Shack for the first time. The burgers were delicious, but WAY overpriced. Once we got home I got to meet Yuri's friend from France, Vince. In the kitchen we had this huge stimulating conversation about politics and what was going on with different countries. It was great. I honestly do want to start work already because in a few days i'll be the only one in the room exploring all alone.

Welcome to DUtakes theworld.

Last year I decided to make my own hashtag to have all of my family and friends reference all of my adventures since I moved to Washington D.C. in January. So i'm journaling everyday and thought why not make a website about my day to day activities and travel experiences!

I've never really done this before, but I feel like its very similar to how I journal everyday and document my life through photography all in one! Thank you for reading and i'm really excited to start this new journey of blogging and vlogging.