Freer Art and Fun

A day with Yuri and Tran was definitely one for the books. We went to the Freer Art Museum. It had beautiful installations, especially this one with shoes showing the different paths people take. After we walked and got a bit lost to find the seafood fish Maine Street Market. It was amazing. I had crab cakes, oysters and clams and fried shrimp. Everything was delicious even though I could barely taste. I was still sick. When I finally got home. Rested for quite some time and then I got ready to go out. We all matched as roomies as a coincidence that was really cute and we had a little photoshoot. I love my roommates. We ended up having champagne and we went to this place called Zeba. It had a good vibe but it was just the wrong music scene for the night. So we walked more than a mile to U street and waited in a few lines and it was awesome. We split up and Yuri and Tran and I stayed. Went to McDonalds and took an über home. Great night.