Traditional Indonesian Cuisine

Today we had our first cultural class and for the USINDO program each of us are required to learn a cultural part of the Indonesia and we were able to choose to between 5 different classes: Batik, Martial Arts, Cooking, Gamelan and Dancing. I chose cooking and i'm so glad I did. One of my friends, Allie also chose cooking and we had an amazing time cooking nasih putih, tempe goreng, soto (soup) and this delicious hot ginger tea that I can't remember the name of. It took about two hours and it was totally worth the wait. Learning how to cook Indonesian food traditionally is something I know I will always cherish. Everything was enak sekali. (very delicious).

Prepping the food  

Prepping the food  

Allie and I  

Allie and I  

The delicious food we made  

The delicious food we made