#DutakesINDO Bali Day 4

Time is going by way too fast and I don't want this trip to end. It was another relaxing day in Bali. Carrie and I headed to Kuta and got special massage packages. It was glorious. Almost 5 hours of being pampered with facials and milk baths for only $37? Worth it. I felt great afterwards so we walked to Kuta Beach to watch the sunset and it was so beautiful. There were a lot of people there, but it was definitely something we needed to check off our bucket list for Bali. After that we walked around and saw this beautiful new looking mall and wanted to grab something to eat. We went American style and had some Johnny Rockets. Mushroom burger for the win. They even had people dancing in between orders. Sadly they ran out of ice cream for the day so no milkshakes for us. Some more walking was done seeing all of the little shops and I bargained my way down from Rp. 450.000 to Rp. 60.000 for this cute ring that I found. Karaoke was on the next part of our itinerary and we found out there was a Happy Puppy here in Denpasar near our house. Definitely rocked our hearts out to some 90s favorites.