Being home

It's been over a week since I've been back home in Los Angeles and nothing's really changed since I left. Everyone has either left their job, gotten a new job, been promoted or living the post grad life like myself. I'm really missing Indonesia, especially the people and I'm realizing how much I've changed since I've arrived. I've mostly been home reading and researching grad schools, jobs and places to travel in the future. It does feel really nice to relax for a bit before I leave for Southeast Asia again for a few weeks. I just have this yearning to go to work or do something especially because of how busy I was almost EVERY SINGLE DAY in Indonesia. As I sit here in my new favorite spot near my house eating frozen yogurt and people watching, I'm remembering the many reasons why I love being from LA. Everyone is mostly friendly and the air might not be pristine, but the amazing variety of foods and attractions make up for it. Being in the car is another thing I'm so used to here, making a trip to get boba or all you can eat Korean bbq a full on hour long road trip. The cool breeze that comes after 6 pm in the summer and the 30 minute drive to the beach are things I'm always grateful for. We Angelinos do take most of these "little things" for granted, but every once in a while it's in our wandering minds. I will always remember driving down PCH and walking around Santa Monica Pier riding the roller coaster and ferris wheel watching the sun go down and hearing those ocean waves. There are always places like this around the world, but this is where I will always call home.