
You hear about it and read about it and see it in movies. Georgetown is a place where most think of prestige and privilege. When I explored it today with my friends it was exactly what I expected it to be. Beautiful. The architecture, the cobblestone sidewalks, event the way the stores were laid out were perfection. It would be wonderful to walk down these streets everyday just to pick up some hippie crack at Baked & Wired and do a little shopping after work. We walked to the ice rink and took selfies by the Potomac river. Trader Joe's was a definite must visit because its one of the only ones in the area. We all got some groceries for our spontaneous potluck dinner for the night. I made my alfredo mushroom pasta, and Vincent made tiramisu. Everyone pitched in with some delicious grub. I just really fell in love with the tiramusu and I learned how to make it. Yay. After our food comas we went to Adams Morgan and got down to some 90s hip hop and R&B at Shenanigans irish pub. We went bar hopping all around. It was a fun night.