Cooking Class

Since we went to the botanical gardens yesterday we found out there was a cooking class today that we could go to. After breakfast with Johnny (yummy omelette with bananas and cantaloupe), we headed over with Melissa to get our winter salads on. We observed these two women make these amazing salads with beets and citrus and interesting vegetables I never thought could be put in salad. They were both so yummy. 

I have been air drying since I have arrived here and I finally had the time to go to Walmart to get some towels. It felt nice to shop for myself. I was also really excited today because I get to meet up with my friends from my old job at Student Housing, Cornelius and Symone. They are engaged and getting married soon and getting to see them after so long was really great. We went to Busboys and Poets and we talked about life and James and what i'm doing here in the first place. They invited me to their wedding. Eep! I got home pretty early after so I went to U Street Music hall with the girls and danced the night away.