"National Aquarium"

So after 2 miles of walking around Johnny and I had the realize the hard way about the location of the National Aquarium. It is in Maryland. It was definitely an adventure going in circles trying to the find it, until we asked a security guard and she said, "Oh, you're two years too late." Hilarious. You should have seen Johnny's face. We ended up meeting up with Yuri and Vincent and going to the Library of Congress to get our official researcher cards. I geeked out so hard at the main reading room. SO many books to read and I cannot wait to study in here.

Since the botanical gardens were close by and also had free admission, we went to check it out. So many beautiful plants and so many photo opportunities of course. There was this plant that when you touched it the leaves would fold. It was pretty sick. What I also thought was interesting was all of the different ecospheres they had, including the desert which reminded us all of home sweet home, Southern California. Finally we got to eat and we tried out Potbelly sandwiches. It was a cute space with a man and woman duo doing covers of early 2000s music. The sandwich was great, but again overpriced.

The Air and Space museum was another spot on our list and oh man was it huge. The exhibits were beautiful and because of our researcher cards we got to get into the IMAX showing for Dark Matter for FREE. Teehee. Good times. We basically did nothing in our second day of class, but watch Big Fish. No big deal. I was craving Chinese food and so a few of us decided to stop by Chinatown and try it out. It was not great. Once we got home, another fascinating conversation went on for hours. I learned a ting or two about French wine. I definitely felt quite cultured after that. haha. It was a great day indeed.