
#Dutakestheworld: Roma

Since i've been in Rome, everyone has been so welcoming. I arrived around noon and my driver picked me up at 12:30pm. My hotel was only 20 minutes from Aeroporto Fiumicino, so once I arrived I took a nice long nap in my room before I did any exploring in the central part of the city. I met up with my mom and sister afterwards because they arrived a few days earlier than I did. We have family in Rome that live close to where we were so they picked us up and we took a little night tour around the center of everything. We saw the Colosseum and just drove around the city and had some really good Chinese food. I thought it was really funny because my first meal in Italy was Chinese, but it was still so delicious.After we said our goodbyes that night, the next day we went to Vatican City and went to the papal visit to see the pope and watch the service. It was really amazing being able to see the Pope and we actually got to meet him and he blessed us. It was beautiful.
We were there from about 7 am to 2:30 pm going all around after the service and visiting the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. After all of that exploring we had some time to visit the Fontana Di Trevi and make our wishes and Lizzie Mcguire dreams comes true (Just kidding only my dreams). We had some delicious Italian food afterwards and I ordered some ravioli cause it looked really good on the menu. It was a simple meal and I finally got to try an Aperol Spritz. One of my coworkers told me about them and how they're a specialty drink here in Italy. It was delicious. There was actually a lot of alcohol in it surprisingly. We headed back to the hotel to get ready for a formal dinner my mom had for her job and were wined and dined, danced the night away and I actually got to meet more people closer to my age and since they were going to Florence the same time we were we got to meet up with them again towards the end of our trip. 

#Dutakestheworld: Europe!

So it's finally happening, i'm headed to Europe for the first time in my life and I couldn't be anymore excited than I already am, I think. A few months ago my doctors were planning for me to have surgery on my thyroid in April, but because of complications they postponed it and I had a few weeks off from work. Right then and there I looked up some flights around the same time and found a flight from LAX (Los Angeles) to FCO (Rome, Italy) for $400. I honestly couldn't believe it, so I booked it that minute. I decided to specifically visit, London, Italy, France and Switzerland. I honestly am counting the days until the day finally comes for my dream destination. I am so grateful to even have this opportunity and I can't wait to share it all with you!

Guess who's back from Southeast Asia!

Well, it has been a fantastic two weeks back in SE Asia and I miss it already. I've been home for a little less than a week already and it does feel good to be home. For two weeks I spent my time in Taiwan, Malaysia, Borneo (Malaysia) and Japan. It was amazing visiting a few friends that are living there now and I am so grateful I was able to visit all of these places in the first place. I have taken WAY too many pictures and i'm excited to share them with all of you. It's going to take some time because I took a few thousand and I have to go through them. I have a few things I want to post about my travels from my journal and that'll happen in the next few days. 

My weekend in Bromo


Since i've been in Indonesia (for almost three months now), I've been wanting to explore the beautiful area where Mt. Bromo resides. I've been talking about it for a few weeks with some of my friends and we finally set a date. The train alone took almost 10 hours to get to Probolinggo (the area of Mount Bromo) from Jogja and it was only bearable because of the people I got to sit with. We left around 7 am and arrived around 5, but it took about an hour to get to the village we were staying in and bargaining took quite some time to talk down the prices for transportation to get where we were going. When we arrived you could see so many stars and the weather felt amazing, like being back home (Los Angeles) during October. The air was so brisk and I didn't sweat the moment I got out of the car. We stayed in a small village near Mt. Bromo called Ngadirejo with a family that are farmers. Waking up to so much greenery was a sight for sore eyes. Even going for walks around the village felt so welcoming with everyone greeting you like they already knew you.
On our first night we had to sleep pretty early, around 10 pm, because we had to wake up at 2 am to catch sunrise. So worth it. Even though I was pretty exhausted, I jumped into the back of this jeep half awake and for about an hour we headed to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. It was pretty insane how much the price difference was between a local and foreigner (Rp. 250.000 vs. Rp. 26.000). That's about $2 vs $20. Anyways, we all "passed" for locals so it was fine. After being dropped off, we walked up the mountain for 20-30 minutes and arrived to our sightseeing destination. There were so many people, but we ended up finding a nice quiet spot with a nice view of the mountains. Once sunrise started some of us moved around to see the main view of it, but it was difficult for a bit to get around because of so many people taking pictures. As I squeezed my way through the crowd I met some nice people from Switzerland, Germany and Singapore. Then there were some not so nice people, but I just ignored them and got all of the shots that I wanted anyways. 
After about an hour, the fog finally cleared and you could see the entire view in all its glory. I honestly can't describe how beautiful this was. Even pictures couldn't do this place justice. I was speechless and I didn't want to leave. You could see the mist around the crater and the fog moving constantly and the way the light was hitting everything was unbelievable. I recommend everyone to come here and experience it because it is completely worth it. After ALL of the photos were taken we headed back to the Jeep (We realized it was only 7 am and that was pretty crazy). We headed to the Kawah Gunung Bromo (Bromo Volcano Crater) and its a nice medium hike up to the top to see the crater in its entirety. I actually felt pretty sick halfway through the hike so I had to head back and lay down. My friends said it was pretty intense and took some parkour to get up there so i'm pretty glad I went back when I did. 
Bukit Teletabis (Teletubies Hill) was our next stop and it was a short drive from the crater. It was another beautiful serene view to just take in. You could frolic all day long if you wanted, but we were all pretty exhausted. We headed back home, stopped once to take some more pictures and finally arrived back to our village. It was only 11:30 am and we all just wanted to sleep. I knocked out pretty hard and didn't wake up until about 2 pm. Having barely any internet was pretty relaxing so we played card games and heads up which was pretty entertaining for a while and then went for a nice walk around the village. Played some more games and I headed to bed early once again because I was still pretty tired. I woke up at 5 am to watch the sun rise and went back to bed, but woke up to I don't even know what at 7 am and just relaxed around the house for a bit. We had our breakfast, got cleaned up and went for another walk. And again, so relaxing. The sun hitting your face, the cool breeze against your skin and just having nice small talk with your friends, it was really great. We headed back to the train station by bus and caught an angkot (another kind of bus, but way smaller and only Rp. 5000/$.38). We actually arrived in Yogyakarta earlier than I thought we would get there compared to on the way to Bromo. Once we arrived we had to eat and get some satay and it totally hit the spot. It was another amazing weekend spent here in Indonesia and I can't wait to come back. 

#DutakesIndo Days 1- 3

So its been three days so far (including an entire day of traveling) Jet lag is too real right now. I fell asleep in one of the presentations because we had another amazing buffet at the hotel. I knocked out hard at 7 pm, woke up at 3 am and could not sleep at all. I'm here with my new roommate Michelle and she's pretty awesome. These last few days have been pretty tiring, but awesome. The moment we arrived in Jakarta I could feel the heat wave and smell of smoke in the air. I thought I would be prepared for this kind of weather, but I know it will take a few weeks to acclimate. I'm still editing videos for my vlogs to start everything going so there's at least some visuals for my experience here. Here are some photos to give an idea of what i've been seeing these last few days. :D 

National Mall

When I hear everyone keep talking about the National mall I was puzzled at first because I was told the closest mall was in Virginia. So I kept asking over and over what mall are you people talking about and it took me some time to finally realize where this mall was. Today I explored this gorgeous mall with my friends Johnny and roommate Melissa. We went to the American History museum for a bit and saw all of the cool exhibits and this adorable doll house from the early 20th century. We walked back all the way home. Walking everywhere has been an enlightening experience. I feel a weight lifted off me because I don't need to use a car. Yuri, my roommate took me out to this political event at Local 16 on U Street and it was a great networking event watching the State of the Union Address. Its really amazing how we were watching it right here in the capitol. Eep! Close by was the legendary Ben's Chili Bowl. So delicious. I fangirled and sat where Obama sat. Another fun day. 

MLK Peace Parade

MLK Peace Parade

The White House

The White House

Washington Monument with Reflecting Pool  

Washington Monument with Reflecting Pool  

Day 3 continued

Its already our third day here and our group had the opportunity to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day in our nation's capitol. There were about 20 or more of us that took the metro to Anacostia, an area we were not to supposed to go to which I thought was pretty funny. Being able participate in the peace walk today and witness it was a wonderful experience. Signs everywhere and people walking hand in hand celebrating a man that made history was a beautiful sight to see. Afterwards, we all went our separate ways and my group ended up heading to Dupont Circle and had some awesome burgers at BUGR. Then we walked all around and got a bit lost and finally found the White House and took selfies obviously. From there, we headed to the Washington monument, reflecting pool and Lincoln memorial. We did not realize how long the the reflecting pool was and automatically regretted our decision to walk the entire way home. It was the best first memory being here. Those 15 miles of walking was well worth it. 

Welcome to DUtakes theworld.

Last year I decided to make my own hashtag to have all of my family and friends reference all of my adventures since I moved to Washington D.C. in January. So i'm journaling everyday and thought why not make a website about my day to day activities and travel experiences!

I've never really done this before, but I feel like its very similar to how I journal everyday and document my life through photography all in one! Thank you for reading and i'm really excited to start this new journey of blogging and vlogging.