
My weekend in Bromo


Since i've been in Indonesia (for almost three months now), I've been wanting to explore the beautiful area where Mt. Bromo resides. I've been talking about it for a few weeks with some of my friends and we finally set a date. The train alone took almost 10 hours to get to Probolinggo (the area of Mount Bromo) from Jogja and it was only bearable because of the people I got to sit with. We left around 7 am and arrived around 5, but it took about an hour to get to the village we were staying in and bargaining took quite some time to talk down the prices for transportation to get where we were going. When we arrived you could see so many stars and the weather felt amazing, like being back home (Los Angeles) during October. The air was so brisk and I didn't sweat the moment I got out of the car. We stayed in a small village near Mt. Bromo called Ngadirejo with a family that are farmers. Waking up to so much greenery was a sight for sore eyes. Even going for walks around the village felt so welcoming with everyone greeting you like they already knew you.
On our first night we had to sleep pretty early, around 10 pm, because we had to wake up at 2 am to catch sunrise. So worth it. Even though I was pretty exhausted, I jumped into the back of this jeep half awake and for about an hour we headed to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. It was pretty insane how much the price difference was between a local and foreigner (Rp. 250.000 vs. Rp. 26.000). That's about $2 vs $20. Anyways, we all "passed" for locals so it was fine. After being dropped off, we walked up the mountain for 20-30 minutes and arrived to our sightseeing destination. There were so many people, but we ended up finding a nice quiet spot with a nice view of the mountains. Once sunrise started some of us moved around to see the main view of it, but it was difficult for a bit to get around because of so many people taking pictures. As I squeezed my way through the crowd I met some nice people from Switzerland, Germany and Singapore. Then there were some not so nice people, but I just ignored them and got all of the shots that I wanted anyways. 
After about an hour, the fog finally cleared and you could see the entire view in all its glory. I honestly can't describe how beautiful this was. Even pictures couldn't do this place justice. I was speechless and I didn't want to leave. You could see the mist around the crater and the fog moving constantly and the way the light was hitting everything was unbelievable. I recommend everyone to come here and experience it because it is completely worth it. After ALL of the photos were taken we headed back to the Jeep (We realized it was only 7 am and that was pretty crazy). We headed to the Kawah Gunung Bromo (Bromo Volcano Crater) and its a nice medium hike up to the top to see the crater in its entirety. I actually felt pretty sick halfway through the hike so I had to head back and lay down. My friends said it was pretty intense and took some parkour to get up there so i'm pretty glad I went back when I did. 
Bukit Teletabis (Teletubies Hill) was our next stop and it was a short drive from the crater. It was another beautiful serene view to just take in. You could frolic all day long if you wanted, but we were all pretty exhausted. We headed back home, stopped once to take some more pictures and finally arrived back to our village. It was only 11:30 am and we all just wanted to sleep. I knocked out pretty hard and didn't wake up until about 2 pm. Having barely any internet was pretty relaxing so we played card games and heads up which was pretty entertaining for a while and then went for a nice walk around the village. Played some more games and I headed to bed early once again because I was still pretty tired. I woke up at 5 am to watch the sun rise and went back to bed, but woke up to I don't even know what at 7 am and just relaxed around the house for a bit. We had our breakfast, got cleaned up and went for another walk. And again, so relaxing. The sun hitting your face, the cool breeze against your skin and just having nice small talk with your friends, it was really great. We headed back to the train station by bus and caught an angkot (another kind of bus, but way smaller and only Rp. 5000/$.38). We actually arrived in Yogyakarta earlier than I thought we would get there compared to on the way to Bromo. Once we arrived we had to eat and get some satay and it totally hit the spot. It was another amazing weekend spent here in Indonesia and I can't wait to come back. 

#DutakesIndo Learning Gamelan

Today we learned how to play the Gamelan! Gamelan is the traditional ensemble music of Java and Bali in Indonesia that are made up of mostly percussion instruments. It is an integral part of Indonesian culture. What I learned was that when you want to play a certain instrument in the orchestra you must hit the next key as you hold the key you hit before it. We had so much fun playing together and it was amazing learning about another beautiful part of Indonesian culture here in Yogyajakarta, Indonesia. 

#DutakesIndo Day 5 & 6

So for the last two days we (as in our USINDO 2016 group) have been busy either exploring Yogyakarta or learning Bahasa Indonesia and attending networking events for USINDO. Yesterday we had our first official day on campus at Sanata Dharma (USD) and got to meet everyone that was either teaching us or was a part of the group that was involved in putting the collaboration of USINDO and USD together for us. They gave us some Indonesian snacks to munch during break and throughout the day we went through tutorials of the cultural classes we get to choose from to do for the next five weeks.

There's gamelan (music), dancing, martial arts, cooking and batik (clothing). We had a lot of fun going through each one and learning about the Indonesian culture because of each tutorial. We didn't do gamelan yet because that's for Wednesday on the schedule. I had lunch at a "warang", which is a spot where a bunch of different food vendors are there outside. I actually got sick right after eating there and will definitely not be coming back. 

Today I went to the Hartono mall with some of my USINDO friends. I was told that this mall will be the biggest mall in Southeast Asia. After that, we went to a networking event for the possible internships that we will be working for. It was fun talking to all of the different non-profits and companies and discussing my experiences and their expectations. 

Amazing race adventures!

I didn't get to talk about it yesterday, but our USINDO group went on an awesome amazing race scavenger hunt all around Yogya and we learned a bit about the transjogja, which is the metro system here in the city. We went to Sanata Dharma, the university we'll be studying at and went to the museum and had some amazing food at an Indonesia restaurant, family style. We also practiced some traditional Indonesian dancing which was great, but tiring after a while. After that we went to the traditional market, which is pretty similar to Chinatown in Downtown LA. 

Took a horse carriage back home to the hotel. 

Took a horse carriage back home to the hotel. 

This is my awesome tutor, Lea.  

This is my awesome tutor, Lea.  

The traditional market! 

The traditional market! 

Delicious coconut drink with berry syrup.  

Delicious coconut drink with berry syrup.  

#DutakesIndo Day 4

I met my host family today! Ahhh! They're so amazing. So this morning we had our last breakfast together for orientation and we were all so anxious. Once we were all packed we met in our usual meeting room and they briefed us on what was going to happen when we met our families. The coordinators told us that we have to figure out who our families were based on a paper slip given to us with a few sentences about them. It was pretty nerve wracking and I had no idea what to expect. It said both the husband and wife are retired lecturers and one of the daughters is a professor at Sanata Dharma University, which is the university that I will be attending for my intensive language course for Bahasa Indonesia.

After a few minutes I saw an older couple sitting alone and I luckily found my host family right away! My Ibu (Mother) is named Rosa and she is a retired lecturer and so is my Bapak (father). They both have been married for over 30 years and their wedding anniversary is actually this week (So exciting I know). They come from a huge family similar to mine and they have two daughters, Anna and Mita. Mita is the daughter that teaches at my university and has a son named Alex who is four years old. He's pretty adorable. I honestly am so grateful for my new family and for the amazing program. I can't wait for what's to come i the next few months. 

My host family, Ibu Rosa Dan Bapak Joni

My host family, Ibu Rosa Dan Bapak Joni

USINDO 2016 friends

USINDO 2016 friends

My new home!  

My new home!  

The beautiful garden in front of my house.  

The beautiful garden in front of my house.  

#DutakesIndo Days 1- 3

So its been three days so far (including an entire day of traveling) Jet lag is too real right now. I fell asleep in one of the presentations because we had another amazing buffet at the hotel. I knocked out hard at 7 pm, woke up at 3 am and could not sleep at all. I'm here with my new roommate Michelle and she's pretty awesome. These last few days have been pretty tiring, but awesome. The moment we arrived in Jakarta I could feel the heat wave and smell of smoke in the air. I thought I would be prepared for this kind of weather, but I know it will take a few weeks to acclimate. I'm still editing videos for my vlogs to start everything going so there's at least some visuals for my experience here. Here are some photos to give an idea of what i've been seeing these last few days. :D