
Amazing race adventures!

I didn't get to talk about it yesterday, but our USINDO group went on an awesome amazing race scavenger hunt all around Yogya and we learned a bit about the transjogja, which is the metro system here in the city. We went to Sanata Dharma, the university we'll be studying at and went to the museum and had some amazing food at an Indonesia restaurant, family style. We also practiced some traditional Indonesian dancing which was great, but tiring after a while. After that we went to the traditional market, which is pretty similar to Chinatown in Downtown LA. 

Took a horse carriage back home to the hotel. 

Took a horse carriage back home to the hotel. 

This is my awesome tutor, Lea.  

This is my awesome tutor, Lea.  

The traditional market! 

The traditional market! 

Delicious coconut drink with berry syrup.  

Delicious coconut drink with berry syrup.  

#DutakesIndo Day 4

I met my host family today! Ahhh! They're so amazing. So this morning we had our last breakfast together for orientation and we were all so anxious. Once we were all packed we met in our usual meeting room and they briefed us on what was going to happen when we met our families. The coordinators told us that we have to figure out who our families were based on a paper slip given to us with a few sentences about them. It was pretty nerve wracking and I had no idea what to expect. It said both the husband and wife are retired lecturers and one of the daughters is a professor at Sanata Dharma University, which is the university that I will be attending for my intensive language course for Bahasa Indonesia.

After a few minutes I saw an older couple sitting alone and I luckily found my host family right away! My Ibu (Mother) is named Rosa and she is a retired lecturer and so is my Bapak (father). They both have been married for over 30 years and their wedding anniversary is actually this week (So exciting I know). They come from a huge family similar to mine and they have two daughters, Anna and Mita. Mita is the daughter that teaches at my university and has a son named Alex who is four years old. He's pretty adorable. I honestly am so grateful for my new family and for the amazing program. I can't wait for what's to come i the next few months. 

My host family, Ibu Rosa Dan Bapak Joni

My host family, Ibu Rosa Dan Bapak Joni

USINDO 2016 friends

USINDO 2016 friends

My new home!  

My new home!  

The beautiful garden in front of my house.  

The beautiful garden in front of my house.